'use strict';
* SGF loading module.
* @module sgf
var Coordinate = require('./coordinate');
var Record = require('./record');
var C = require('./constants');
var ERROR; // error holder for sgfParse etc.
var fieldMap = {
'AN': 'annotator',
'CP': 'copyright',
'DT': 'date',
'EV': 'event',
'GN': 'gameName',
'OT': 'overtime',
'RO': 'round',
'RE': 'result',
'RU': 'rules',
'SO': 'source',
'TM': 'time',
'PC': 'location',
'PB': 'black',
'PW': 'white',
'BR': 'blackRank',
'WR': 'whiteRank',
'BT': 'blackTeam',
'WT': 'whiteTeam'
* Helper function to handle single coordinates as well as coordinate lists.
* @param {object} propValues A property value array containing a mix of coordinates (aa) and lists (aa:bb)
* @returns {array} An array of Coordinate objects matching the given property values.
function explodeSGFList(propValues) {
var coords = [];
for(var i=0, len=propValues.length; i<len; i++) {
var val = propValues[i];
if(val.indexOf(':') == -1) { // single coordinate
coords.push(new Coordinate(val));
} else {
var tuple = val.split(':'), c1, c2, coord;
c1 = new Coordinate(tuple[0]);
c2 = new Coordinate(tuple[1]);
coord = new Coordinate();
for(coord.i=c1.i; coord.i<=c2.i; ++coord.i)
for(coord.j=c1.j; coord.j<=c2.j; ++coord.j)
return coords;
function sgfMove(node, name, values, moveMarks) {
var coord, player, opponent, play;
if(name == 'B') {
player = C.BLACK;
opponent = C.WHITE;
} else if('W') {
player = C.WHITE;
opponent = C.BLACK;
coord = (values[0].length == 2) ? new Coordinate(values[0]) : null;
// Apparently, IGS wants to use outside-board coordinates for pass
if(coord !== null && (coord.i >= node.jboard.width || coord.j >= node.jboard.height))
coord = null; // Thank you, IGS
play = node.jboard.playMove(coord, player);
node.info.captures[player] += play.captures.length; // tally captures
if(moveMarks && play.ko)
node.setMark(play.ko, C.MARK.SQUARE);
if(play.success && coord !== null) {
node.setType(coord, player); // play stone
node.setType(play.captures, C.CLEAR); // clear opponent's stones
node.setMark(coord, C.MARK.CIRCLE);
} else ERROR = play.error;
return play.success;
function sgfSetup(node, name, values) {
var setupMap = {'AB': C.BLACK, 'AW': C.WHITE, 'AE': C.CLEAR};
node.setType(explodeSGFList(values), setupMap[name]);
return true;
function sgfMarker(node, name, values) {
var markerMap = {
node.setMark(explodeSGFList(values), markerMap[name]);
return true;
function sgfComment(node, name, values) {
node.info.comment = values[0];
return true;
function sgfHandicap(node, name, values) {
node.info.handicap = values[0];
return true;
function sgfLabel(node, name, values) {
for(var i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
var v = values[i], tuple = v.split(':');
node.setMark(new Coordinate(tuple[0]), tuple[1]);
return true;
function sgfInfo(node, name, values) {
var field = fieldMap[name];
node.info[field] = values[0];
return true;
var SGFProperties = {
'B': sgfMove,
'W': sgfMove,
'AB': sgfSetup,
'AW': sgfSetup,
'AE': sgfSetup,
'C': sgfComment,
'LB': sgfLabel,
'HA': sgfHandicap,
'TW': sgfMarker,
'TB': sgfMarker,
'CR': sgfMarker,
'TR': sgfMarker,
'MA': sgfMarker,
'SQ': sgfMarker,
'AN': sgfInfo,
'CP': sgfInfo,
'DT': sgfInfo,
'EV': sgfInfo,
'GN': sgfInfo,
'OT': sgfInfo,
'RO': sgfInfo,
'RE': sgfInfo,
'RU': sgfInfo,
'SO': sgfInfo,
'TM': sgfInfo,
'PC': sgfInfo,
'PB': sgfInfo,
'PW': sgfInfo,
'BR': sgfInfo,
'WR': sgfInfo,
'BT': sgfInfo,
'WT': sgfInfo
* Parse SGF string into object tree representation:
* tree = { sequence: [ <node(s)> ], leaves: [ <subtree(s), if any> ] }
* Each node is an object containing property identifiers and associated values in array:
* node = {'B': ['nn'], 'C': ['This is a comment']}
* @param {String} sgf The SGF in string format, whitespace allowed.
* @returns {Object} Root node or false on error. Error stored to ERROR variable.
function parseSGF(sgf) {
var tokens, i, len, token, // for loop vars
lastBackslash = false, // flag to note if last string ended in escape
bracketOpen = -1, // the index where bracket opened
processed = [];
if('a~b'.split(/(~)/).length === 3) {
tokens = sgf.split(/([\[\]\(\);])/); // split into an array at '[', ']', '(', ')', and ';', and include separators in array
} else { // Thank you IE for not working
var blockStart = 0, delimiters = '[]();';
tokens = [];
for(i=0, len=sgf.length; i<len; ++i) {
if(delimiters.indexOf(sgf.charAt(i)) !== -1) {
if(blockStart < i)
tokens.push(sgf.substring(blockStart, i));
blockStart = i+1;
if(blockStart < i) // leftovers
tokens.push(sgf.substr(blockStart, i));
// process through tokens and push everything into processed, but merge stuff between square brackets into one element, unescaping escaped brackets
// i.e. ['(', ';', 'C', '[', 'this is a comment containing brackets ', '[', '\\', ']', ']'] becomes:
// ['(', ';', 'C', '[', 'this is a comment containing brackets []]']
// after this transformation, it's just '(', ')', ';', 'ID', and '[bracket stuff]' elements in the processed array
for(i=0, len=tokens.length; i<len; ++i) {
token = tokens[i];
if(bracketOpen == -1) { // handling elements outside property values (i.e. square brackets)
token = token.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // trim whitespace, it is irrelevant here
if(token == '[') // found one
bracketOpen = i;
else if(token !== '') // we are outside brackets, so just push everything nonempty as it is into 'processed'
} else { // bracket is open, we're now looking for a ] without preceding \
if(token != ']') { // a text segment
lastBackslash = (token.charAt(token.length-1) == '\\'); // true if string ends in \
} else { // a closing bracket
if(lastBackslash) { // it's escaped - we continue
lastBackslash = false;
} else { // it's not escaped - we close the segment
processed.push(tokens.slice(bracketOpen, i+1).join('').replace(/\\\]/g, ']')); // push the whole thing including brackets, and unescape the inside closing brackets
bracketOpen = -1;
// basic error checking
if(processed.length === 0) {
ERROR = 'SGF was empty!';
return false;
} else if(processed[0] != '(' || processed[1] != ';' || processed[processed.length-1] != ')') {
ERROR = 'SGF did not start with \'(;\' or end with \')\'!';
return false;
// collect 'XY', '[AB]', '[CD]' sequences (properties) in a node into {'XY': ['AB', 'CD']} type of associative array
// effectively parsing '(;GM[1]FF[4];B[pd])' into ['(', {'GM': ['1'], 'FF': ['4']}, {'B': ['pd']}, ')']
// start again with 'tokens' and process into 'processed'
tokens = processed;
processed = [];
var node, propertyId = ''; // node under construction, and current property identifier
// the following code is not strict on format, so let's hope it's well formed
for(i=0, len=tokens.length; i<len; ++i) {
token = tokens[i];
if(token == '(' || token == ')') {
if(node) { // flush and reset node if necessary
if(propertyId !== '' && node[propertyId].length === 0) { // last property was missing value
ERROR = 'Missing property value at ' + token + '!';
return false;
node = undefined;
processed.push(token); // push this token also
} else if(token == ';') { // new node
if(node) { // flush if necessary
if(propertyId !== '' && node[propertyId].length === 0) { // last property was missing value
ERROR = 'Missing property value at ' + token + '!';
return false;
node = {};
propertyId = ''; // initialize the new node
} else { // it's either a property identifier or a property value
if(token.indexOf('[') !== 0) { // it's property identifier
if(propertyId !== '' && node[propertyId].length === 0) { // last property was missing value
ERROR = 'Missing property value at ' + token + '!';
return false;
if(token in node) { // duplicate key
ERROR = 'Duplicate property identifier ' + token + '!';
return false;
propertyId = token;
node[propertyId] = []; // initialize new property with empty value array
} else { // it's property value
if(propertyId === '') { // we're missing the identifier
ERROR = 'Missing property identifier at ' + token + '!';
return false;
node[propertyId].push(token.substring(1, token.length-1)); // remove enclosing brackets
tokens = processed;
// finally, construct a game tree from '(', ')', and sequence arrays - each leaf is {sequence: [ <list of nodes> ], leaves: [ <list of leaves> ]}
var stack = [], currentRoot = {sequence: [], leaves: []}, lastRoot; // we know first element already: '('
for(i=1, len=tokens.length; i<len-1; ++i) {
token = tokens[i];
if(token == '(') { // enter a subleaf
if(currentRoot.sequence.length === 0) { // consecutive parenthesis without node sequence in between will throw an error
ERROR = 'SGF contains a game tree without a sequence!';
return false;
stack.push(currentRoot); // save current leaf for when we return
currentRoot = {sequence: [], leaves: []};
} else if(token == ')') { // return from subleaf
if(currentRoot.sequence.length === 0) { // consecutive parenthesis without node sequence in between will throw an error
ERROR = 'SGF contains a game tree without a sequence!';
return false;
lastRoot = currentRoot;
currentRoot = stack.pop();
} else { // if every '(' is not followed by exactly one array of nodes (as it should), this code fails
if(stack.length > 0) {
ERROR = 'Invalid number of parentheses in the SGF!';
return false;
return currentRoot;
* Apply SGF nodes recursively to create a game tree.
* @returns true on success, false on error. Error message in ERROR.
function recurseRecord(jrecord, gameTree, moveMarks) {
for(var i=0; i<gameTree.sequence.length; i++) {
var node = gameTree.sequence[i],
jnode = jrecord.createNode(true); // clear parent marks
for(var key in node) {
if(node.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if(!(key in SGFProperties))
if(!SGFProperties[key](jnode, key, node[key], moveMarks)) {
ERROR = 'Error while parsing node ' + key + ': ' + ERROR;
return false;
for(i=0; i<gameTree.leaves.length; i++) {
var subTree = gameTree.leaves[i], snapshot;
snapshot = jrecord.createSnapshot();
if(!recurseRecord(jrecord, subTree, moveMarks))
return false; // fall through on errors
return true;
* Convert game tree to a record.
* @returns {Object} Record or false on failure. Error stored in ERROR.
function gameTreeToRecord(gameTree, moveMarks) {
var jrecord, root = gameTree.sequence[0], width = 19, height = 19;
if('SZ' in root) {
var size = root.SZ[0];
if(size.indexOf(':') != -1) {
width = parseInt(size.substring(0, size.indexOf(':')));
height = parseInt(size.substr(size.indexOf(':')+1));
} else width = height = parseInt(size);
jrecord = new Record(width, height);
if(!recurseRecord(jrecord, gameTree, moveMarks))
return false;
jrecord.first(); // rewind to start
return jrecord;
* Parse SGF and return {@link Record} object(s).
* @param {String} sgf The SGF file as a string.
* @param {bool} moveMarks Create move and ko marks in the record.
* @returns {Object} Record object, array of them, or string on error.
exports.load = function(sgf, moveMarks) {
var gameTree = parseSGF(sgf);
if(gameTree === false)
return ERROR;
if(gameTree.sequence.length === 0) { // potentially multiple records
var ret = [];
if(gameTree.leaves.length === 0)
return 'Empty game tree!';
for(var i=0; i<gameTree.leaves.length; i++) {
var rec = gameTreeToRecord(gameTree, moveMarks);
return ERROR;
ret.push(rec); // return each leaf as separate record
return ret;
return gameTreeToRecord(gameTree, moveMarks);